Wednesday, July 20, 2005


ok just totally lost my last post so here is the gist of it.

*I have a headcold - Suckorama
*bought Simpsons Jeapardy - ok game
*going to movie world tomorrow_ i hate rides so i guess im holding bags!
* Got my hair cut - word on the street is that it is too short and a little dykey

Over and OUT (apparently)

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Back again for another installment, this time from sunny Gold Coast where i was pleasantly supirsed to walk outside this morning and be hot. Quite a change from cold and dismal adelaide where walking outside in the morning is a no go unless you desperatly need that item off the clothes line.

Is been a year since i was here last and nothing much has changed except for the computer i am typing on. why is that when you parents move away from you that they suddenly get all this cool stuff. i speak of the zippy new computer, the massive sound system which accompanies the very large television, all of which is housed in a rather decorative house in a trendy estate. Is it just them trying to lead the Gold Coast lifestyle or have they finally decided to get "cool". Only time will tell i guess.

As for me i have a week up here before i head back to the mindless head numbing job that is data entry. Bring on the SUN!!!!!